Upcoming Meetings

Members who present programs but refuse the honorarium will have their dues paid automatically for 2026.

Greater St. Louis Sisters in Crime 2025

Some monthly meetings of Greater St Louis Sisters in Crime are in-person, and others are by zoom at 7:00 p.m. central time. Our traditional meeting day is the fourth Thursday, but various activities require other times.

Kudos to Zoom organizer Sarahlynn Lester, and program sponsors, **Sarahlynn, **Laine Boyd, Gary Miller,** John Frain, Warren Martin, Tom Drennan, Marjory Drennan, and **Fedora Amis. (** means two or more programs/services.) As an added incentive, Members who organize/present programs will have their dues paid automatically for 2026. We offer a Fifty-dollar honorarium to guest speakers.

2025 Calendar for Greater St. Louis SinC

January 23 – Publicist and author Terena Bell reveals her secrets of how to get noticed by the reading world. (Fedora)

February 27 – Author coach Stephanie Bearce leads us to a better writing life and shares secrets of winning the YA reader (Fedora)

***March 15 – Saturday at 1:00 p.m. Sisters in Crime Afternoon Tea Party (home of hostess Marjory Drennan’s daughter}

***Special Event*** Our member from Virginia Jo Allison will speak on “Missouri Women Who Fought for Great Causes.” Eugene Field House at 11:00 a.m., Wednesday March 26. Lunch after?

April 24 – Our own multi-published Claudia Shelton shows how to spice up your mystery with romance (Claudia Shelton)

***May 22 – Noonish. Pot luck picnic and good times. John Frain, Gary Miller, Fedora Amis???? (Kirkwood Park)

June 26 – Vicki Erwin’s life is books—from children’s books to owning a bookstore to marrying a writer. She now writes True Crime and shares the whys and hows (Vicki Erwin)

July 24 – Jay Hartman and our own Sandy Murphy publish anthologies by the score. They’re eager to tell us why they choose some short stories and leave others wishing (Sandra Murphy)

August (No meeting – summer vacation)

September 25 ­-

***October – Laine Boyd – Halloween Party (Host a murder mystery) on a Saturday at noon???????

***November 15-16 – Second weekend in November from 10 to 4 on Saturday and Sunday. Craft Fair at Parkway Central HS. Members can sell books at our table. (Robert Lay)

**December 11 Host needed– Holiday Party Potluck dinner along with exchange of prettily wrapped, gently read mysteries.

*Indicates in-person event.  **Indicates Date and/or time Change. Note that our Halloween Murder Mystery is on Saturday, and the May picnic is at noon. Our book sale at the Parkway Central Craft Fair is on two weekend days from ten to four (though no one has to attend both).

Tentative Zoom dates, 3rd or 4th Thursdays are listed, but may change to fit the program requirements.

2024 Calendar for Greater St. Louis SinC

January 25 -What works for you? Traditional to Independent publication and everything in-between. Panel moderated by Sarahlynn Lester and featuring Fedora Amis, Kyle McCord of Atmosphere Press and Warren Martin.
February 22 – Sarahlynn Lester Presents Discussion on Developing a Sustainable Writing Career
***March 23 – Saturday at 1:00 p.m. Sisters in Crime Afternoon Tea Party (home of hostess Marjory Drennan}
***April 24 – Wednesday Noonish. Pot luck picnic and good times. John Frain, Gary Miller, Fedora Amis (Kirkwood Park)
***May 17 – Friday, 6-10 p.m. Litfest sponsored by December magazine at St. Louis Contemporary Art Museum in Grand Center (Members can sell books at our table) Fedora Amis
June 28
***July 13 – Saturday at 10 a.m. St. Louis Book Summit hosted by the St. Louis Writers’ Guild at the Des Peres Lodge (Fedora Amis)
August (No meeting – summer vacation)
September 26
***October 19 – Saturday at Noon – Laine Boyd – Halloween Party (Night Train to Paris murder mystery)
***November 9 – 10 – Second weekend in November from 10 to 4 on Saturday and Sunday. Craft Fair at Parkway Central HS. Members can sell books at our table. (Laine Boyd)
*December 12 (or December 10 if hosted by Fedora Amis) – Holiday Party Potluck dinner along with exchange of prettily wrapped, gently read mysteries.