Copyright Myths and Musts

Thursday, September 22 at 7:00 p.m. Central Time on Zoom

Elaine Abramson and Fedora Amis – Copyrights and things lawyers never tell you. (Zoom)

Writers must be proactive to protect themselves and their precious brain children.

The following is from Science Fiction Writers of America

For published books that will be sold in the United States, registration is essential. Publication is the point at which infringement and intellectual property theft become a concern. Larger publishers typically register copyright in the author’s name at their own expense.  Small presses often don’t want to incur the cost, and may leave registration up to you. If you’re self-published, registration will also be up to you (some self-publishing platforms offer copyright registration as an add-on service, but they’ll charge you more than you’d pay if you registered yourself).